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5 Reasons why you Need Content Marketing for your Business

5 Reasons why you Need Content Marketing for your Business

Have you heard to term content marketing? In the digital world today, content is king. Content marketing is a vital source today to set your business apart from the wide list of competitors forging to beat your brand in the marketplace. It has become a necessity for modern brands to se content marketing strategies to run successful digital marketing campaigns. All the successful brands today use significant content marketing strategies to build significant wealth. All the content marketing efforts are valuable because they greatly help marketers to find and connect with their targeted audiences. But you must be still not sure why content marketing is the heart and soul of your digital marketing campaigns? Let us shed more light on this topic to improve your understand about content marketing.
Here is a comprehensive list of best advantages of content marketing for your business in 2016 to enhance your comprehension of this most important digital marketing initiative.

1.     Content Marketing Improves Trust and brand Reputation

Great content is always beneficial for the marketers because it helps them build a great reputation in the market. Today’s digital market place is really busy and growing, even in Pakistan and Bangladesh, it is a fastest growing trend among professionals. It is important for all the startups and new firms to start building trust and find the right customers for their genuine products to sell.  Building trust can help your business establish a positive brand reputation.
The recent statistics from the Search Engine Journal SEJ reveal that 78% of customers prefer getting to know an organization or brand using advertisements. Content marketing is the key element in ads that is quickly becoming way to attract such customers. Moreover, 70% of customers believe that firms providing custom content are interested in building good relationships with them. Therefore, creating custom content for businesses and firms is a most effective way to know the right leads to help them build goodwill.

2.     Great Content can help to build More Leads

Content marketing can play a pivotal role in helping your business grow by building trust with your customers. When customers read your content on the website or social media, they start to build a positive opinion of your brand. If the content that businesses find is engaging and interesting to solve their problems and needs, customers can get a lot of education and valuable information from that content. They will form a better opinion about their business and brands; therefore, more value you can provide with your content, it will be easier to build trust with the target audience.
In addition to building trust, effective content is also vital because it helps customers to see that you are constantly publishing the best content across several different social media platforms such as Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and You Tube. This shows that maintaining all the social channels can help you become a leader in the industry. You can publish content through the third party publications as well and share your content across other blogs and websites. All such strategies and content marketing tactics can be immensely helpful to build greater trust within your target market.

3.     Great Content is the Key to Influence Conversions

If you are really wondering why the content marketing is vital, then you should not look any further than the conversion statistics. Here is a good list of fact that can convince you that content marketing is vital for any business.
  • Content marketing provides conversion rates about 6 times higher than other digital marketing methods. 
  • In the Untied States, more than 61% of the customers decide to make a purchasing decision after reading the company’s blogs which convince them to buy.
  • A recent survey reveals that in the US, 74% companies show that their content marketing activities have boosted their sales and leads.
  • In the modern world of video and imagery, video marketing is offering a great return on investment ROI for the marketers. 72% of the firms surveyed showed that video marketing booted their sales.
  • Marketers who apply content marketing strategies show that their website conversion rate nearly improves up to 6 times before using content marketing.
The above stats show that content marketing significantly helps businesses to improve their conversions and it allows firms to connect with their leading clients. Therefore, content marketing is the best way that helps firms to not only build successful relationships with the customers but also educate them to create more leads. Customers always want to make an educated decision; great content can genuinely help them understand a product before making a purchase decision.

4.     Good Content Marketing also Improved SEO Efforts

The importance of content marketing becomes clearer if you understand the role content plays in your business promotion and customer retention. Content marketing is essential because it also helps businesses to significantly improve their SEO efforts and campaigns. SEO is pivotal because it helps firms to improve their visibility online; however, if you are interested in improving your SEO results dramatically, then creating the right content is the key.
According to a recent Julia McCoy, the well-known content marketing consultant in the US, content creation is the most effective technique that boosts SEO. In fact, websites that publish consistent content have an average of 434% more pages indexed by search engines. This makes your business super improved that those who don’t care about publishing any content on their blog or website. The recent stats show that the more content you post on your blog or official website, the search engine will have to index more pages that will automatically improve the users on your website.
But the above statement does not mean that more pages of rough content can boost your conversions or result in high traffic. However, it does provide your brand to rank for more keywords. For example, if you are a shoe making company, then you can create blogs on various topics related to show industry and manufacturing that are relevant to your brand. Nike is the best example of sports shoes and apparel that uses the most effective content marketing strategies to create a sustainable competitive advantage in the global industry. Content marketing gives you more opportunities of reaching the right customers because such users are always searching for your brands on the search engine.

5.     Creating Effective Content is not Expensive

If you are still wondering how much it costs for your business to create great content that sells; Alex Cottony, the brightest mind in the Canadian content marketing industry reveals that content marketing is the most cost effective way to bring new leads that is most affordable. Even though content creation is time intensive, however, it is not at all expensive compared to other marketing methods.  

A good strategy for content Marketers

It is important in the content marketing world to optimize your content conversions. Marketers can improve their content marketing outcomes by including a clear call-to-action and tell the users that what they need to do next. That can help readers to take a vital next step in the whole conversion process. Whether converting means making a purchase or getting more information for the users, it is vital for marketers to make everything crystal clear for the readers using the content that shows them the way forward.