
Online Marketing

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Reduce your online marketing cost

Reduce your Online Marketing Cost

Online Marketing

Online marketing, also known as Internet marketing, is an essential part of establishing your presence on the web. Creating a website for your business is a start, but the next step is to let people know that your website exists and to get customers on to your website. Internet marketing is a broad term and covers specialist aspects such as SEM (Search Engine Marketing), SEO (Search Engine Optimization) and e-mail marketing among others. Your online marketing budget may include costs associated with placing banners or text ads on other websites or on SERPs (Search Engine Results Pages).

Selecting the Right Marketing Strategy for Your Business

The market may have limited knowledge of your business, maybe because you offer a specialist product or service or have had restricted market exposure or due to the huge cost of competing with established brands. If your business needs exposure, marketing your business online gives you access to the global market and is significantly less expensive than conventional marketing.

On the other hand, if your business would benefit most from increased knowledge in the local market, you can perform area-targeted localized online marketing to reach the customers or market base that would serve you best.

While some businesses want to introduce new products and advertise their existence, other firms such as retailers, wholesalers or service providers ranging from barbers to cellular or internet service providers may wish to direct people in need of products or services on to their site. With an expert online marketing service, you can identify the optimal marketing strategy for your business and by implementing it save money and generate sales or traffic on to your website efficiently thereby reducing your online marketing costs.

Reducing Your Cost and Ensuring a High ROI

ROI (Return On Investment) is a term most business owners are familiar with and is often difficult to pin down for both conventional marketing. However, the increase in statistical data for online marketing has enabled a greater degree of accountability and enabled businesses to compare the relative efficacy of Internet marketing strategies such as PPC (Pay Per Click) advertising, CPI or CPM (Cost Per Impression) advertising and SEM (Search Engine Marketing).

An expert online marketing service can dramatically reduce your online marketing costs by streamlining your online marketing strategy and implementing it more efficiently. This generates greater sales or traffic to your website, as per your requirement and results in a higher rate of return on investment.

Rizwan Zahid – Online Marketing Expert

With over eight years in the online marketing industy, Rizwan Zahid is well placed to call himself an online marketing expert. Having acted as an SEO manager and online marketing consultant for various local and international firms including Title Developments (UK), ADSI (USA), eTechSol International (USA) and Etrix (Ireland/UK), Rizwan Zahid has also worked as an independent online marketing consultant for various individual and business clients from all over the world. Rizwan Zahid has both local and international knowledge, is familiar with all the major search engines and online marketing services and keeps up to date with the latest online marketing knowledge as a hobby.